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The sample project is a web chat application in which the Seald-SDK is integrated to add end-to-end encryption.

This project is available on Github:

git clone

It is split into several successive branches, each of which presents a different stage of the integration. Step-by-step guides describing how to implement it from the previous version are available:

StepDescriptionFinal resultRoot branch
Quick-startBasic integration of the Seald-SDK with password protection1-quick-startmaster
Password pre-derivationImplements a pre-derivation of the authentication password2-pre-derivation1-quick-start
Caching the identity in localStorageImplements identity caching in the localstorage3-localstorage2-pre-derivation
Protection with 2-man-ruleReplacement of password protection with a protection with 2-man-rule4-two-man-rule3-localstorage
Using 2-man-rule with SMSIn 2-man-rule, changing email protection to SMS protection5-two-man-rule-sms4-two-man-rule


This is a demonstration application intended exclusively to show the integration of the Seald-SDK. Other considerations - including security - have not been taken into account, so we recommend that you do not use it as is.


The chat application allows users to:

  • create an account;
  • log in with a password;
  • send private messages to any other user;
  • create & manage a chat room;
  • send messages in a chat room.


This is a web application in two parts:

  • a backend in the ./backend folder implemented in Node.js, with Express & It is connected to an SQL database (SQLite or Postgres) with Sequelize as the ORM;
  • a frontend in the ./frontend folder implemented in React.js using @material-ui as UI library.

To install the dependencies, just run npm install in both the frontend and backend folders.



The project configuration is done in a settings.json configuration file.

It must be placed in the root of the web server (in development, in the folder /frontend/public/).

There is a settings.example.json in each branch which is a template of the settings.json you can copy & paste, you'll need to replace the values with the actual settings.

This file contains the variables:

SettingsDescriptionMust be set in branches
APPLICATION_SALTSalt used for pre-derivation2-pre-derivation, 3-localstorage
KEY_STORAGE_URLSSKS API URL4-two-man-rule, 5-two-man-rule-sms


The project configuration is done in a settings.json configuration file.

By default, it must be placed in the root of the /backend folder. The path where the app looks for this file can be overridden by setting the path you want in the CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

There is a settings.example.json in each branch which is a template of the settings.json you can copy & paste, you'll need to replace the values with the actual settings.

This file contains the variables:

SettingsDescriptionMust be set in branches
HTTPS_ENABLEDMust be enabled if a reverse proxy implements HTTPS upstream of the server. The Secure attribute will be added to session cookies and Express will trust the X-Forwarded-* headersAll
SESSION_SECRETSecret used to derive session cookiesAll
JWT_SHARED_SECRET_IDJWT shared secret ID (for signup JWT)All
JWT_SHARED_SECRETJWT shared secret (for signup JWT)All
APP_IDApp ID (for user licence & SSKS)All
KEY_STORAGE_URLAPI URL (for SSKS)4-two-man-rule, 5-two-man-rule-sms
KEY_STORAGE_APP_KEYApp Key (for SSKS)4-two-man-rule, 5-two-man-rule-sms

Local launch

The application can be launched locally by starting :

  • the backend with the npm start command in the backend folder;
  • the frontend with the command npm run dev in the frontend folder.


If the backend or frontend does not start correctly, check that you have created the corresponding configuration file, and that you have filled it correctly.

A database.sqlite file will automatically be created in the folder, and this will open two :

  • on port 4000 for the API;
  • on port 5173 which serves the frontend and acts as a reverse proxy to the other server.
How the watch works

The backend is started using nodemon which restarts it whenever there is a change in the backend code.

The frontend uses the vite development server and also has a watch feature.


If you modify the Sequelize templates, you may have to delete the database file if the changes are not compatible.


The application can also be deployed using Docker-Compose:

docker-compose up -d --build

This will:

  • build and launch an image for the backend from backend/Dockerfile which is based from node:14 and launches the server on port 4000;
  • build and run an image for the frontend from frontend/Dockerfile that builds the frontend and serves it statically with nginx, which acts as a reverse proxy for the backend.


In production, you may want to set the NODE_ENV environment variable to "production", to run the express webserver in production mode.